“I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.” – Chinese proverb

For more than 15 years, thousands of people all across the globe  have benefited from the inspiring team building events and serious games offered by Management Learning Systems.

Basic information about our team building events and serious games:

The objectives of our team building events and serious games:

Why opt for a serious game?

A selection of 4 serious games, with a view to attaining the objective of your team building workshop:
1.    Rainbow ® : Aligning the energies towards a common objective

Management Learning Systems - Braine L’Alleud - Team Buildings et serious gamesManagement Learning Systems - Braine L’Alleud - Team Buildings et serious games

2.    People ® : Effective inter-departmental collaboration

Management Learning Systems - Braine L’Alleud - Team Buildings et serious gamesManagement Learning Systems - Braine L’Alleud - Team Buildings et serious games

3.    Vision for Change ® : Team spirit facing change

Management Learning Systems - Braine L’Alleud - Team Buildings et serious gamesManagement Learning Systems - Braine L’Alleud - Team Buildings et serious games

4.    Constellation ® : Power relationships and productivity

Management Learning Systems - Braine L’Alleud - Team Buildings et serious gamesManagement Learning Systems - Braine L’Alleud - Team Buildings et serious games

For more information about our team building events, don’t hesitate to contact us.

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